E-learning subscriptions are booming. Here are 10 services that you can learn a lot from

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Subscription POV

Af Morten Suhr Hansen

A new trend has hit the Subscription Loft here in Copenhagen – and it’s affected several of my colleagues as well: Everyone is learning how to play guitar! Not in the form of Guitar Hero on Playstation. But real guitars, with real strings! It’s doubtful whether the next Mark Knopfler will emerge from our little office, but it sure is fun for those who are taking up the old 6-string.

The reason for all this interest might very well be linked to the project we just finished with a customer, going through different subscription-based e-learning services and their skills in activating and engaging users through extended use of gamification.

Man playing on electric guitar

This made me dive into the universe of e-learning and the fact is that it’s not just us here at the office, who love to learn. Actually, many of the most succesful and fastest growing subscription services are all about e-learning.

Here are the 10 most interesting e-learning subscriptions right now!

In this article, I’d like to present 10 of the most interesting and succesful e-learning subscriptions. They are all worth the money and might inspirere you for your next learning project, but at the same time, I think that any subscription service should be inspired by these companies and their skills in engaging subscribers.

These are the ten, in no particular order:

  1. Masterclass. Learn to sing with Christina Aguilera. Learn to cook with Youtam Ottolenghi. Learn to play tennis with Serena Williams. Exciting and educational streaming with the world’s leading capacities within a myriad of art forms.
  2. Skillshare. A streaming service dedicated to learning new skills within anything from video production, writing, online marketing, economics and much much more.
  3. Yousician. A Finnish start-up that now has more than 25 million subscribers, learning to play the piano, the guitar or learn to sing!
  4. Simply Piano. The fun way to learn piano. Extremely ’gamified’ – and it works!
  5. Duolingo. One of the very best and most fun ways to learn a new language. Studies have shown that Duolingo outperform almost any other learning system and every month, 60 million people use the platform.
  6. Headspace. Subscribe to mental health. At Headspace, you will learn the art of meditation and at any given time, you can clear your thoughts and access more mental capacity. 70 million users, 2 million of them are paying subscribers.
  7. Linkedin Learning. The world’s largest network of professionals has jumped on the e-learning game with LinkedIn Learning. A standalone subscription service which, for $39 dollars a month, grants access to thousands of courses.
  8. House of Math. Norwegian origin, but today, an international platform with a mission to make math and learning exciting to children and teens all over the world.
  9. Coursera. Academic online learning in collaboration with the world’s leading educational institutions like Stanford and Caltech. Free courses and subscriptions on course-plans and even entire educations.
  10. DataCamp. The future lies in the hands of coders and AI experts. On this online learning platform, you can learn PowerBI, SQL, ChatGPT and much much more. If you want to expand your understanding and skills within this field, DataCamp is the place to be.

Are we on the way from passive entertainment to active education?

My guess is that you already know some of the above and might even have tried them out. But I also think that several of them are new for you. Because this is literally just the tip of the iceberg.

Two people planning in workshop

What we’re seeing right now is that when it comes to e-learning and the will to invest in them, it has never been bigger. It seems like we’re moving from passive entertainment to active learning. Many streaming services are under pressure. Maybe that’s partly because, more and more, we want to make something of the time we spend in front of screens.

I encourage you to jump into some of these learning universes and feel free to come by our office, if you’re ready for a quick jam-session!
