Møt Subscrybe teamet

Jon Erik Ofstad

Jon Erik Ofstad

Senior Partner & Director of Norway
jeo@subscrybe.com // +47 90 58 14 29

Et veldrevet abonnementskonsept gir sterk kundevekst, god lønnsomhet og stor verdiskapning for eierne av virksomheten. Vi i Subscrybe har utviklet en god metodikk for å bygge vellykkede abonnementskonsepter, starte dem opp og videreutvikle dem. Jeg liker godt å arbeide på tvers av alle bransjer – men med abonnement som fellesnevner. Som de andre i Subscrybe er jeg resultatorientert på kundenes vegne – og ønsker å være med på å skape verdi for både eiere og ansatte gjennom innovative prosjekter som styrker bedriftens posisjon. Jeg har arbeidet med abonnementsprodukter hele yrkeslivet. I Aftenposten som direktør med ansvar for de områdene som inngår i et godt abonnementsprodukt: Konsept, salg, systemer, distribusjon, kundeservice, CRM og analyse.

Frederik Weiss Holst

Frederik Weis Holst

fwh@subscrybe.com // +45 27 51 31 72

The value of experiences is so powerful in the consumer world that it's created new business models, such as the subscription model, in which the customers can access everything they need without owning anything. The core of the subscription model is building relationships with the customer, which is about creating trust and value. Without that, no relationship and no business. That's why I see subscriptions as the 'customer's business model' - and not least, the future business model. I have an MSc in Digital Design & Interactive Technologies and I am specialized in user experience- and service design. As part of the Subscrybe team, I am passionate about user-centered design, focusing on the involvement of users in design research and development. Within Subscrybe, I've worked with large and small organizations, developing value offers, improving sales efforts and innovating new brand identities.

Morten Suhr Hansen

Morten Suhr Hansen

Senior Partner & CEO
mha@subscrybe.com // +45 40 29 45 34

Jeg tror at abonnement er en bedre forretningsmodell for både bedrifter og for kunder, og at flere og flere bedrifter og bransjer vil gå over til abonnement i fremtiden. Det er en utvikling jeg gjerne vil være med å fremme. Derfor grunnla jeg i 2011 Subscrybe etter mer enn 20 år i mediebransjen, hvor jeg har jobbet med abonnementssalg, innovasjon og forretningsutvikling på tvers av aviser, magasiner og digitale medier. I Subscrybe er jeg opptatt av innovasjon og forretningsutvikling og av å lage nye abonnementskonsepter – eller utvikle eksisterende. Samtidig vil jeg gjerne hjelpe våre kunder med å drive en enda bedre abonnementsvirksomhet og styrke denne på tvers av produkter, systemer og kunder. Og det er det vi alle jobber for, hver dag hos Subscribe.

Thomas Lundsgaard Profil

Thomas Lundsgaard

Digital Marketing Specialist tl@subscrybe.com // + 45 81 98 43 54

Jeg er performance marketing spesialist med erfaring fra en lang rekke performance kanaler som Facebook, TikTok, Google Search og E-mail marketing. Etter å ha drevet min egen virksomhet innenfor performance marketing de siste årene, har jeg kommet til Subscrybe for å hjelpe abonnementsvirksomheter med deres digitale vekst. Som en del av generasjon Z har jeg brukt mye tid på sosiale medier og følger med på mange trender. Jeg går på jobb for å levere rådgivning om utfordringer og muligheter i abonnementsbevegelsen. Heldigvis er vårt growth-team fullt ut i stand til å håndtere nesten enhver forespørsel innenfor digital markedsføring og kundeanskaffelse.

Anders Sørensen

Anders Sørensen

as@subscrybe.com // +45 24 61 88 60

I'm an advocate for the subscription model and I am excited by the amount of new subscription offers coming to market on a daily basis. Professionally, I’ve been working with subscriptions for the last 12 years, within the media and telecom business. Here, I’ve been working with all aspects of subscription – all from the creation of new subscriptions to onboarding, loyalty-building, retention, up-and cross-sales, and win-back. This I’ve done as a specialist and a manager. Most recently as Senior Director of Commercial Management at YouSee. I’m especially concerned with how companies optimize their subscription business and take advantage of the opportunities that the subscription model offers.

Nadia Storhaug

Jonas Nygaard Andersen

Senior Partner & Director of Growth
jn@subscrybe.com // +45 40 44 95 54

I have wide experience with subscriptions and have gone through a hyper-growth phase with Swapfiets as Country Manager for the past 3 years. As a Country Manager for Denmark and North Germany, I grew my area to +40.000 bike subscribers. With the responsibility for Subscrybe’s growth unit, I bring commercial competencies within Customer Acquisition by the use of digital performance channels. Growing subscription companies is a specific discipline, since you have to keep the focus on creating lasting relationships with your subscribers. This process starts with acquisition and as subscription companies, we have a responsibility to always put the customer at the center. This is what we do in Subscription Growth through digital marketing. In addition, I work with the marketing of Subscrybe, to increase the understanding of the subscription movement and educate subscription companies to a more profitable future.

Niels Vestergaard

Niels Kastberg Vestergaard

nv@subscrybe.com // +45 29 70 73 04

I have a background in E-commerce, where I've worked with branding and content marketing with a focus on SEO/SEM, Social Media, and Re-marketing. Therefore, I have a lot of experience with catching the eye of the consumer on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other social channels. No matter which company you have, it needs to have a strong, social profile. And this might be even more true in subscription companies than with other business models. Your customers are not just your customers - they are your members and it's important to have a strong relationship with them, every time you meet them. In addition to being part of the Subscrybe team, I'm currently studying a BA & Communication at Copenhagen Business School.

Christoffer Gjerrulf

Christoffer Gjerulff

cg@subscrybe.com / +45 20 29 50 00

One of the most interesting aspects of how we choose to spend our money is that we tend to seek solutions that give us ongoing value. There are many explanations why, but my explanation is that I like ‘buying in’ to something and take a stand on something else than price. When you’re a subscriber, you don’t just buy a product or a service, but you buy into the company that serves you and you give them your trust. This puts extra pressure on the company and the buying situation and this is where it gets exciting! I have been part of many levels of the subscription journey. At Subscrybe, I function as the Head of Subscription Innovation, which means I work primarily with the development of new subscription offers.

Jonas Juul Jeppesen

Jonas Juul Jeppesen

Senior Partner & Director of Denmark
jjj@subscrybe.com // +45 31 66 67 76

I'm a true believer in subscriptions! As part of the Subscrybe team, I am particularly eager to innovate subscription solutions for non-traditional subscription industries, e.g. the retail industry. To help skilled retailers with entering the subscription economy and thereby secure their businesses is extremely exciting. I'm very proud of the many innovation projects we have finished over the years and it excites me to see our clients gain success through the subscription model - this is what we work for every day at Subscrybe. I am also shaped by the work and development of people, which stems from my previous experiences. Besides my MBA, I am educated as a school teacher and I have been working with salesmen throughout my entire career. In addition to my work with customers, I write and produce our podcast series Subscription Talks, where I speak to professionalas and scholars about subscriptions.

Sophie Elmenhoff


I have experience within the world of subscriptions from CA Career Partner and a-kasse, where I have previously worked as a marketing coordinator. I was a part of the development and execution of various marketing initiatives focusing on the acquisition of new student members as well as the retention of existing student members. I believe that marketing is not only an important driver for customer acquisition, but it is also valuable for enduring long-lasting relationships with existing customers as well as increasing customer loyalty. In addition to being a part of the Subscrybe team, I am currently studying for a bachelor’s in business administration, market dynamics, and cultural analysis at Copenhagen Business School.  

Jon Erik Ofstad

Jon Erik Ofstad

Senior Partner
jeo@subscrybe.com // +47 90 58 14 29
Christoffer Gjerrulf

Christoffer Gjerulff

cg@subscrybe.com / +45 20 29 50 00
Nadia Storhaug

Nadia Storhaug

Senior Partner
jn@subscrybe.com // +45 40 44 95 54
Morten Suhr Hansen

Morten Suhr

Managing Partner
mha@subscrybe.com // +45 40 29 45 34

Sophie Elmenhoff

Anders Sørensen

Anders Sørensen

as@subscrybe.com // +45 24 61 88 60
Frederik Weiss Holst

Frederik Weis Holst

fwh@subscrybe.com // +45 27 51 31 72
Jonas Juul Jeppesen

Jonas Jeppesen

Senior Partner
jjj@subscrybe.com // +45 31 66 67 76
Niels Vestergaard

Niels Vestergaard

nv@subscrybe.com // +45 29 70 73 04
Thomas Lundsgaard Profil

Thomas Lundsgaard

Head of Digital Marketing
tl@subscrybe.com // + 45 81 98 43 54

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