Subscription Articles
This is our archive of subscription articles, including our ongoing series Subscription POV, reflecting on the latest news from the subscription movement and the landscape that subscription companies are facing today.
You can also find articles on the subscription companies that we admire and are inspired by, when innovating and optimizing new subscription offers.
Customer Retention – The core of a healthy subscription business
This customer retention guide introduces you to one of the most important issues for a subscription business: How to retain
It’s never been more important to hold on to your subscribers. Here’s how to reduce churn in 30 days!
By Morten Suhr Hansen The year 2023 is coming to a close. At the start of November, we have just
Synoptik, Aarstiderne, and Yousician are some of the many Scandinavian subscription successes
By Morten Suhr Hansen Recently, I had the pleasure of being invited as a keynote speaker at a major subscription
Let Sherlock Holmes dive into your subscription business. He will likely come up with some surprises
By Morten Suhr Hansen Running a successful subscription business revolves around creating happy and engaged subscribers. Subscribers who willingly recommend
In a few days, the excitement will be unleashed: Who will be this year’s best subscription service?
By Morten Suhr Hansen On May 30th, it is once again time for one of the most festive events in
The new startup backed by IKEA now offers office furniture on subscription. We definitely need to be part of that!
For many years, it has been a personal dream of mine, but also for us here at Subscrybe, to not
Do you have subscription insights to share with us?
If you have a topic that you’re an expert on and that you’d like to share with our readers, please don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail about a collaboration.
We love to learn about new insights and we would love to hear from you!
We prefer if your article is:
- 1000-2000 words in length
- Written in high-level english
- Includes pictures